
I learned to knit when I was around 12 years old because I found a bright pink acrylic bag my mom had made in home-ec class about 25 years earlier.  I thought it was so cool that she had made it herself.  I shouldn't have been surprised, though--she's one of the most creative people I know!  I begged her to teach me, and then promptly put it down for years.

A few random gifts made over the years ensured I didn't completely forget how to knit, but I didn't pick it back up in earnest until 2016--my senior year of undergrad. While working on my capstone project, I decided I needed a way to de-stress that didn't involve looking at a screen.  Some friends and I made a trip to the craft store and bought as much yarn as we could carry.  I'm still working on the blanket I started that night (it's my forever WIP).

Since then, I still use knitting to de-stress, but it's become more of a passion and now is  something I try to incorporate into my every day life.   I'm fascinated by the art form and am starting to explore the world of pattern making.  My background in costume design/construction certainly helps, but I'm learning a lot along the way!
